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    Volume 17, Issue 1, February 28, 2022
    Message from the Editors
 The Dream-Quest of Sphinx by Bruno Lombardi
 Furnace Dreams by Jasmine Arch
 Grave Miscalculation by Kayla Severson
 Pride & PTSD by W.M. Chan
 The One Girl by Gillian Daniels
 VOCSS by Cora Ruskin
 Editor's Corner: What is Voice and Why Should Readers Care? by Nikki Baird



Cora Ruskin

Chat name: Tyler

Gender: Male

Age: 17 and under

Supporter: Beverly

Please read the confidentiality policy before using the online chat service.

Tyler: Is anyone there?

Beverly: Hello Tyler, this is the Victims of Crime Support Service. How can I help you?

Tyler: Do you help with all types of crime?

Beverly: Yes, that's right. We offer support around any crime, including domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime and cybercrime. Anything you would like to disclose will be treated sensitively.

Tyler: OK cool

Tyler: I'm worried about my dad

Beverly: Why is that Tyler? Has he been a victim of crime?

Tyler: No

Beverly: Has he hurt you, Tyler?

Tyler: Yes many times. And other people too.

Beverly: Are you safe at the moment?

Tyler: Safe-ish

Tyler: He's not home, but he'll be back soon.

Beverly: Can I ask how old you are?

Tyler: 15

Beverly: And have you ever spoken to the police about your dad hurting you?

Tyler: No that would make it worse. Plus it's complicated. There's a lot of shit they wouldn't believe.

Tyler: Sorry for swearing

Beverly: That's okay Tyler. I understand how scary it can be to talk to the police, but they are there to help and protect you. It's their job to listen to victims of crime and take them seriously.

Tyler: Do you think they would believe that my dad might be a vampire?

Beverly: Sorry, I don't think I understand.

Tyler: About my dad being a vampire?

Beverly: Is that slang for something?

Tyler: No it's like

Tyler: fuck

Tyler: It started with my mum. I could hear noises coming from their room at night and then in the morning she would always be so pale, like wax, she didn't look normal. Once I actually saw him. He had her pinned against the living room wall with a hand over her mouth, and his mouth was on her neck. I came back later and there was blood on the carpet. Just three drops, but it was definitely blood. Since Mum left there have been other women and I know he bites them. He feeds on them and they fade away.

Beverly: Hold on one moment Tyler while I read that.

Beverly: It sounds like you witnessed your dad being violent towards your mum and this would have been very traumatic. The brain can sometimes struggle to process traumatic events, which can lead to gaps in memory or confusion about what actually happened.

Tyler: You don't believe me

Tyler: I knew this was a bad idea

Beverly: I believe that your dad is a dangerous man Tyler. That's a lot for anyone to deal with and there is no right or wrong way to think about things. The important thing is to make sure you are safe. Have social services ever been involved?

Tyler: No

Tyler: Shit he's here

Tyler: My stomach's in knots

Beverly: Is he in the house? Is he likely to hurt you?

Tyler: I can hear him at the front door. The house knows he's here too. Sometimes when he comes home the walls start leaking, like all this yellowish fatty stuff oozes down the walls. I don't know what the fuck it is but it smells like rotting meat. I never know if he's going to hurt me it depends on what kind of mood he's in.

Beverly: How does he hurt you?

Tyler: Hits, shoves, kicks, twists my arm behind my back if I fight back. The worst is when he puts his hand on my neck. I don't know why that's the worst cos it hurts the least but I hate it so much.

Beverly: Tyler I'm very worried for you and I want to get you some help. Would you be happy to give me some details such as your full name and address?

Tyler: No

Tyler: You'll send the cops round and it will make things so much worse.

Beverly: We have a duty of care if we believe someone to be in danger.

Tyler: It's OK though, he's not coming upstairs so everything's fine for now.

Tyler: I just want someone to know

Beverly: I'm happy to keep talking to you about this Tyler but I would really like to get you some help. Can you tell me your address?

Tyler: I'm afraid I'm going to end up like him

Beverly: Why is that? You don't sound anything like him.

Tyler: The shit he says about women like I know it's wrong. Every woman is a bitch and a whore according to him. And I don't want to be like him at all but when you kept asking for my address I was thinking ugh you stupid bitch, leave me alone. Like it's his voice inside my head.

Tyler: I'm sorry for saying that stuff, I'm just trying to explain.

Beverly: Your father is abusive and it's normal to be afraid of growing up like him. While some victims of abuse do go on to hurt others, this is not the norm. You are a kind and strong person and will not turn out like your dad.

Tyler: Why would you say that?

Tyler: You don't know me. I could be mean and weak for all you know. And being like Dad sometimes seems a lot easier than being human.

Beverly: I know that you were strong enough to reach out for help and you're kind enough to know that his actions and attitudes are wrong. I also think you're very insightful for your age. You understand that being a human, with all the rules and responsibilities that brings, can be difficult. Using violence and aggression to get your own way can seem easier, but you're better than that Tyler.

Tyler: Last week I was with my girlfriend. We were watching a movie and I could see the vein in her neck sort of fluttering every time there was a scary bit on the movie. I just kept fucking staring at it. I kept wondering what it would taste like.

Tyler: The blood I mean

Tyler: That's not normal right? Something's happening to me.

Tyler: Are you still there?

Beverly: I'm afraid I can't comment on what is a normal or abnormal thing to think Tyler.

Beverly: Can I ask where your mum is?

Tyler: She's gone

Beverly: Do you know where?

Tyler: Shit he's coming upstairs

Beverly: Is it safe to continue talking or do you want to stop?

Beverly: Are you still there Tyler?

Beverly: It has been five minutes now Tyler so I'm going to go, but please come back through later if you want to continue talking.

Tyler: here

Beverly: Are you okay?

Tyler: no

Tyler: Hurts and I'm bleeding I feel like I might pass out

Beverly: Stay with me Tyler. Try to focus on something in the room. Tell me what you can see.

Tyler: Books

Tyler: Spines of books in my bookcase

Beverly: You're doing really well Tyler but I want you to get medical attention. Please tell me your address.

Tyler: Can I tell you something?

Beverly: Yes

Tyler: He bit me. He never did that before.

Tyler: It's really bad. There's blood all on my face and in my mouth I can taste it

Beverly: Tyler you need medical attention.

Tyler: No I need to get out of here

Tyler: I'm going out the window. There's a tree right next to it, I can climb down it. Just gotta be careful and quiet and hope he doesn't catch me.

Beverly: That sounds like a dangerous thing to do, especially while you are injured.

Beverly: Are you still there Tyler?

Beverly: Tyler?

Tyler: I'm out. It's done. Now what do I do?

Beverly: Where are you?

Tyler: In the foresty bit behind the house

Tyler: Feel very sick

Beverly: Now that you're out of the house I really think you should call the police. They can take you to a hospital and make sure you have somewhere safe to stay.

Beverly: Are you still there?

Tyler: Yeah. I puked but I'm OK.

Tyler: When he finds out I'm gone he'll come after me. Gotta get further away from the house. If I go straight through the forest there's a church on the other side.

Beverly: Do you know the name of the church? Or anything distinctive about it?

Tyler: It's Saint Steve's church or something

Beverly: St Stephen?

Tyler: Yeah that's it

Beverly: And which town is it in?

Tyler: Redmaid

Beverly: Thank you for telling me that Tyler. I'm going to call the police and ask them to meet you there, is that okay?

Tyler: Yeah

Beverly: I'm still here.

Tyler: I feel weird

Beverly: Keep heading towards the church, you are doing so well Tyler. I'm incredibly proud of you for being so brave.

Tyler: I'm almost there

Tyler: I'm in the graveyard but I feel so so weird

Tyler: Everything hurts and I'm really fucking hungry even though I just puked

Beverly: You've been injured and it may start to hurt more as the shock wears off, but the police will take you to hospital and make sure you're looked after.

Tyler: I can't get any closer to the church

Tyler: I can't do this, something's really wrong

Tyler: I should go back

Beverly: Please don't go back! I know you're feeling panicked but going with the police is your best chance of being safe.

Tyler: I see the cop car

Beverly: Are you going with them?

Beverly: Tyler?

Tyler: Yes

Tyler: I'm with the cops, they're taking me to A&E

Beverly: That's wonderful Tyler, you have done so well! Can you ask for the police officers' collar numbers, just so I can record them?

Tyler: I'm with officer Patel, his collar number is 6275

Tyler: And there's a young policewoman called officer Flynn, she's pretty tasty haha!

Beverly: I'm very relieved that you're safe Tyler. Are you okay for me to end the chat now that you're with the police? I think you should focus on talking to them and getting the medical help you need.

Tyler: I don't think I need any medical help, I feel OK now

Tyler: Just got to figure out how to drive this fucking thing

Beverly: Drive? Sorry, I'm confused.

Tyler: Thanks for all your help Beverly. Whatever they're paying you, it's not enough.

Beverly: Actually I'm a volunteer. What did you mean about driving? Why would you need to drive the police car?

Beverly: Tyler?

Client has terminated the chat.

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